Mobile devices have become one of the most important media for advertising. The constant interaction between users and mobile devices, in addition to the fact that this is a personal medium that users never separate from, make it an ideal format to raise awareness about products and brands. Regarding the perception that customers have about it, advertising in mobile media is characterised by being of a relatively unobtrusive nature that users recognise as useful information. According to the Mobile Insights study carried out by Nielsen, 63% of respondents fully agree that they expect to receive more advertising on their mobile phones in the future.

Another important advantage of this medium is the possibility and simplicity of delivering offers and promotions from various brands. Thus, according to the IAB Spain Study on Mobile Marketing, 65% of respondents would be willing to receive more advertising on their mobile phones in exchange for some benefit of this type. Moreover, 37% recognise that, thanks to mobile advertising, it is possible to access information that they may not receive through other media. Regarding the two devices used to access mobile advertising, tablets and smartphones, according to the IAB study on Mobile Marketing, access from tablets guarantees better memory of the advertisement as well as higher click rates. The time and place where it is mostly used responds to more detailed and conscious viewing.

This medium, still new, is taking its place in the advertising market as its popularity and positive figures between advertisers, agencies and media increase. And, in this changing and globalised world where distances have become shorter and staying connected is a necessity, the future is mobile.